I offer therapy, counselling, and coaching for various concerns. Please get in touch with me to discuss the focus of your healing attention.


Somatic Experiencing

Learn how SE, a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders, is helping thousands of people resolve trauma and the resulting mental and physical health concerns. Move towards developing greater psychological fitness and resilience.

SE 101: https://traumahealing.org/se-101/ 


Jungian-inspired Art Therapy

A depth approach to art therapy offers a perspective that drops into the deepest levels of the psyche where fundamental archetypal patterns occur. Touching this level through the art ‘brings to the surface’ the core processes that are the operating principles within one’s life. Seeing these principles mirrored back in the images created in the art offers an understanding of their direction and intent beyond the simple intellectual or conceptual.

Based on Jung’s concept of the inherent healing capacities of the unconscious, a depth, or archetypal, approach in art therapy offers a ‘getting to know’ oneself that reaches beyond the self-image one is familiar with. This knowledge connects one to the rich resources of the collective unconscious, a dimension of experience that is illustrated in the mythologies of every culture.


Experiential Individual and Group Process

Experiential psychotherapy seeks to alleviate patients’ psychological suffering by helping them process the overwhelming emotions associated with trauma in a way that facilitates corrective emotional and relational experiences that mobilize positive changes in our neuroplastic brains.Crisis and suffering provide opportunities to awaken extraordinary capacities that otherwise might lie dormant, unknown and untapped. Experiential processing is about making the most of these opportunities for trauma processing and healing transformation. Key to this approach is the undoing of aloneness and the co-creation of a therapeutic relationship experienced as both a safe haven and a secure base where transformational healing can occur. Through the undoing of aloneness and the in-depth processing of difficult emotional and relational experiences, we work together to foster the emergence of new and healing experiences and help you develop new resources, resilience and a renewed zest for life.

Psychotherapy is intended to help people improve and maintain their mental health and well-being. Registered Psychotherapists work with individuals, couples and families in individual and group settings. Psychotherapy occurs when the Registered Psychotherapist (RP) and client enter into a psychotherapeutic relationship where both work together to bring about positive change in the client’s thinking, feeling, behaviour and social functioning. Individuals usually seek psychotherapy when they have thoughts, feelings, moods and behaviours that are adversely affecting their day-to-day lives, relationships and the ability to enjoy life.

Christopher Lee Chang

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Christopher Lee Chang

112 Strathcona Ave,
Ottawa, ON
K1S 1X6


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